Ethical Management

Code of Ethics Practice Guidelines

Code of Ethics Practice Guidelines

  • Ⅰ.Compliance with Laws and Regulations

    1.1 Observance of national policies and laws

    • ①We respect national policies and avoid illegal or unlawful conduct.
    • ②In our business activities, we compete on the basis of products and services with competitors in good faith and do not engage in unfair competition.
    • ③We do not violate relevant laws or acquire information unethically.
    • ④Employees working abroad comply with the laws and social order of the host country so as not to impede the company's operations.
    • ⑤We respect and comply with domestic and international market economy order, transaction customs, and laws in order to conduct legal and fair business with partners.
    • ⑥As citizens and members of the community, we abide by the laws and regulations pertaining to the prevention of corruption, bribery, and money laundering, and we report suspicious transactions in accordance with the law.
    • ⑦Employees are strictly prohibited from engaging in any act of embezzlement or betrayal of confidence. Employees are prohibited from engaging in acts that result in the loss of company assets, such as embezzlement of public funds, misappropriation of public funds, property leakage, or use for other purposes.

    1.2 Compliance with Company Regulations and Fundamental Business Ethics

    • ①We adhere to the company's management policies and regulations and concentrate our capabilities based on a sense of ownership and responsibility to complete assigned tasks promptly and accurately.
    • ②When performing duties, we prioritize the company's interests over our own, and we are objective and logical in our approach.
    • ③We do not work for others or other companies with a stake in the company, nor do we form any special relationships with them.
    • ④We safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of the company's private and vital information, deliver vital information to those who require it for work, and do not distort or spread false information.
  • Ⅱ.Customer-respecting Management

    2.1 Transactions with Customers

    • ①With customer satisfaction and trust as our top priority, we strive to provide products and services of the highest quality and adhere strictly to our promises to customers.
    • ②We strive to treat customers with mutual regard and conduct reasonable and equitable transactions on an equal footing.
    • ③We do not demand any form of compensation or unreasonable terms from our customers using our superior position.
    • ④We do not engage in deceptive or exaggerated advertising, claims, or concealment of information, and we disclose truthfully all information that customers need to know.
    • ⑤We take responsibility for the entire product life cycle in consideration of customer safety, beginning with the procurement of non-hazardous raw materials, components, and packaging materials, and continuing through product development, manufacturing, distribution, use, and disposal.
  • III. Responsibilities to Shareholders

    3.1 Protection of Shareholder and Investor Interests

    • ①We make every effort to generate solid profits through effective management and to increase the investment value of our shareholders through prudent investments.
    • ②In accordance with accounting standards, we record and manage our financial position with honesty and precision, and we make our accounting public.
    • ③We do not engage in unfair acts such as securities transactions for our own benefit or the benefit of third parties using the company's internal information.

    3.2 Protection of Shareholders’ Right to Know

    • ①We provide shareholders and investors with timely, accurate, and useful information regarding the company's overall management.
    • ②Through active PR and IR, we work to ensure that the value of our company is accurately assessed.
  • Ⅳ.Employee-respecting Management

    4.1 Respect for Employees

    • ①We respect the uniqueness of each employee, foster creativity and independence, and provide active assistance and educational opportunities for competency development.
    • ②We provide our employees with equal opportunities and evaluate them fairly based on their achievements and abilities.
    • ③Regarding employment, work, promotion, wages, welfare, and other forms of treatment, we do not favor or discriminate against certain employees on the basis of factors such as regional ties, family ties, school ties, gender, religion, disability, age, social status, national origin, ethnicity, physical conditions such as appearance, marital status, family type or status, race, color, ideology or political opinion, sexual orientation, or medical history.

    4.2 Creating a Sound Organizational Culture

    • ①We do not engage in unethical behavior such as employee gambling, nor do we accept inappropriate money or valuables, borrow money, or offer joint guarantees.
    • ②We do not engage in offensive verbal, physical, sexual, or visual conduct, and we respect the privacy of individuals.
    • ③The company and its employees cultivate an active, innovative, and collaborative organizational culture in order to achieve common goals, and do not engage in actions that promote selfishness or unnecessary departmental conflict.
    • ④The company endeavors to promote safety and health awareness among its employees. The company takes proactive measures to ensure the safety of employees and maintain a workplace free of accidents, injuries, natural disasters, illnesses, and contagious diseases.
  • Ⅴ.Employees' Ethical Management

    5.1 Compliance with Ethical Management

    • ①Superiors may not provide subordinates with unreasonable work instructions that violate the law and company policies, and subordinates may refuse to perform such duties.
    • ②The company safeguards whistleblowers by protecting their identity and taking the necessary measures to ensure that they are not subjected to unfair treatment, discrimination, or retaliation for their actions.

    5.2 Transparent and Honest Business Conduct

    • ①Employees do not engage in arrangements or solicitations that impede the fair performance of duties by other employees for the purpose of unfairly profiting themselves or others, and they do not accept, offer, or promise money or valuables, bribes, or entertainment.
    • ②Employees do not use their superior position and personal interests to prevent conflicts of interest between the company and customers or between customers, and if they do occur, they seek to minimize the damage to interested parties and attempt to resolve them.
    • ③Employees strictly manage and protect customer data, including company data acquired through work, in accordance with applicable laws and internal security regulations, and do not disclose or use it for their own benefit.
  • Ⅵ.Suppliers' Shared Growth Management

    6.1 Pursuit of Shared Growth

    • ①We maintain an attitude of mutual trust and respect with our partners in pursuit of mutually beneficial growth.
    • ②We maintain productive relationships by identifying and cultivating exceptional partners.
    • ③When selecting a partner and initiating and continuing a transaction, we evaluate whether it complies with the company's human rights and environmental and social values.
    • ④We provide various development and growth support activities to achieve sustainable transactions with our partners, thereby laying the groundwork for mutually beneficial growth.
    • ⑤We actively support companies in the supply chain for sustainability management and evaluate partners based on their sustainability management activities.

    6.2 Relationship with Partners

    • ①We ensure that transactions with partners are conducted fairly through mutual respect and equal relationships, and we do not engage in unfair transactions that take advantage of our superior position by adequately discussing transaction conditions and procedures.
    • ②We provide partners with equal opportunities in areas such as bidding and contracting, and we conduct business by signing contracts on an equal footing.
    • ③We protect the physical and intellectual property rights of partners, as well as their confidential information
  • Ⅶ.Social Responsibility Management

    7.1 Contribution to Social Development

    • ①We respect the values of the local community at home and abroad where we operate our business and business activities, create jobs continuously, and fulfill our basic social responsibilities with integrity.
    • ②As exemplary members of society, we respond to and support social needs, such as through social contribution activities.
    • ③We strive to protect the environment and participate in environmental protection activities within communities.

    7.2 Social Responsibility Management

    • ①We actively promote purchasing eco-friendly products in accordance with the specifics of the Green Procurement Policy.
    • ②In the production process, we do not purchase raw and subsidiary materials that have issues like human rights violations and political disputes, such as conflict minerals, and we apply this principle when making a purchase from suppliers.