ISO 14001
(Environmental management systems)

A company must be equipped with an environmental management system to manage environmental risks by systematically identifying, evaluating, managing, and enhancing environmental issues pertaining to corporate management. ISO 14001 mandates the incorporation of pollution prevention and continuous improvement activities into company management.

ISO 14001 (Environmental management systems)
Business Department Place of Business Validity Period Attachment
PP/DH Yongyeon Plant 1 22.10.16 ~ 25.10.18 download
Neochem Yongyeon Plants 1 and 3, Oksan Plant 22.07.27 ~ 25.07.26 download
Optical Film Yongyeon Plant 3, Oksan Plant 24.06.16 ~ 27.06.15 download
Film Yongyeon Plant 3, Gumi Plant 22.07.21 ~ 25.08.13 download
POK Yongyeon Plant 2 24.07.03 ~ 27.08.26 download
TPA Yongyeon Plant 2 22.10.05 ~ 25.11.01 download

(Global Recycled Standard)

GRS is a certification standard that verifies the utilization of recycled materials in textile raw materials and apparel production. Targeting products containing at least 20% recycled raw materials, the standard ensures the continuity of management through process review at all stages, from raw material collection and processing to sale of finished goods. GRS-certified product manufacturers and distributors must adhere to the organization's social, environmental, and chemical standards, and obtaining certification ensures that production and management structures are consistent and transparent. Increasing demand for GRS certification encourages the use of recycled materials, thereby reducing environmental damage resulting from production activities and contributing to the enhancement of corporate social standards.

GRS (Global Recycled Standard)
Business Department Varieties Validity Period Attachment
Film PCR PET Film 24.05.16 ~ 25.05.15 download

Green Certification

The Green Certification is a system to certify and support promising green technologies under the “Basic Law on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth” (Carbon Neutrality Basic Law) to reduce greenhouse gases and pollution emissions. It is divided into three categories: Green Technology Certification, Verification of Green Technology Products and Verification of Green Specialist Companies. “Green Technology Certification” certifies technologies that save energy and resources, increase efficiency, and minimize greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions. “Verification of Green Technology Products” verifies products that commercialize green technology for sale.

Green Certification
Business Depart
Classification Technology / Products name Validity Period Attachment
POK Green Technology Certification Production Technology for Eco-friendly Polymer Material Polyketone using Carbon Monoxide and Olefin 23.06.15 ~ 26.06.14 download
Verification of Green Technology Products Polyketone download

USDA Bio-Preferred® Program

Hyosung Chemical has obtained bio-certification for its optical film products through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-administered Bio-Preferred program. The program evaluates the extent of bio-based carbon content in products. Hyosung Chemical’s BESTOF® film has passed the minimum content criteria by achieving a bio-based content of 47% and has received final certification. By ensuring quality control and obtaining certification for bio-products, Hyosung Chemical aims to provide trustworthy products and contribute to the widespread use of renewable bio-resources.

USDA BioPreferred® program
Business Department Varieties Attachment
Optical Film BESTOF® Film download

New Excellent Technology certification

New technology is defined as technology with novelty, excellence in technical performance, and excellence in field application according to each subparagraph of Article 18-3 of the Enforcement Decree of the Environmental Technology and Industry Support Act that has been developed for the first time as an environmental technology falling under Article 2, subparagraph 1 of the Environmental Technology and Industry Support Act or technology that is a new environmental field technology and technology related thereto, following the improvement of technology introduced from foreign countries.

New Excellent Technology certification
Technology no. No. 538 No. 534
Technology name Two-stage Membrane Filtration Water Treatment System with Inclined Plate Sedimentation and Suction-type Sludge Collector in Membrane Filtration Tank Pressurized Membrane Filtration Process with Automatic Control and Discharge Water Recirculation
Expiry date 18.01.31 ~ 26.01.30 17.10.17 ~ 25.10.16
Attachment download download
New Excellent Technology certification New Excellent Technology certification