Ethical Management

Ethical Management Organization System

Hyosung consistently creates a powerful organization for promoting ethical management centered on the CEO. The CEO strives to ensure that the ethical management philosophy is naturally reflected in management activities. Major ethical management activities are supervised by the Legal Compliance Team, whose members have an in-depth understanding of the organization, thereby laying the groundwork for the efficient implementation of ethical management activities.

In addition, a person responsible for ethical management activities has been assigned to each field department to assist the Legal Compliance Team with ethical management activities, and we have developed a system to effectively manage performance. We appoint an independent and unaffiliated internal auditor so as to ensure comprehensive oversight of the company's overall management, from field work to office work. The CEOs of Hyosung, Hyosung TNC, Hyosung Heavy Industries, Hyosung Heavy Industries, and Hyosung Chemical participated in the "Ethical Management CEO Pledge Ceremony" hosted by the BEST ESG Forum for three consecutive years beginning in 2020 and pledged their compliance with ethical management both internally and externally.


Strives to incorporate the ethical
management philosophy into

  • Legal Compliance Team

    • Comprised of personnel with extensive knowledge of the company
    • Forms a basis for the efficient execution of ethical management activities
  • Manager of ethical management activities within each department

    • Assists in the ethical management activities of the Legal Compliance Team
    • Establishes a system to manage performance effectively
  • Audit Team

    • Appointed with a person with no stake in the company
    • Supervises all management activities